Operational Units

The NFNC operates through four technical units in addition to the Accounts and Administration units which support the Commission's operations. These units are:

Research and Planning Unit

  • Collects, analyses, interprets and disseminates nutrition and related data for decision making through surveys and other methods
  • Defines the nature, magnitude and causes of malnutrition and identifies areas most affected and vulnerable groups
  • Develops indicators for monitoring and evaluation of nutrition programmes in collaboration with other relevant organs
  • Develops plans and strategies relevant to improving the nutritional status of vulnerable groups in collaboration with other relevant government sectors
  • Maintains a food and nutrition data bank for Zambia
  • Monitors the implementation of Food and Nutrition Policy

Public Health and Community
Nutrition Unit


    • Coordinates implementation of public health activities by the nutrition sector
    • Promotes the micronutrient control programme
    • Develops nutrition guidelines for various target groups and nutrition service providers
    • Advocates for the inclusion of nutrition in sector development plans
    • Provides technical backstopping on the implementation of nutrition programmes to key line ministries and other stakeholders

Nutrition Education and
Communication Unit

    • Collates nutrition information already existing from research and other sources and translates it into nutrition education materials for the general public, policy makers and nutrition service providers
    • Creates awareness and community interest in nutrition for the general public, through development and distribution of various Information Education and Communication (IEC) Materials
    • Monitors and evaluates the impact of communication messages and materials
    • Develops and maintains up to date communication strategy
    • Plans and organizes nutrition education seminars and workshops
    • Advocates for nutrition improvement to leaders and policy makers
    • Maintains the Commission Library and ensures acquisition of relevant up to date publications

Training and Collaboration Unit

    • Develops and reviews training methodologies and plans for different nutrition service providers
    • Organizes training courses in nutrition for different target groups
    • Collaborates with the Ministry of General Education to review and include nutrition in the school curriculum
    • Services an inter sectoral committee to provide forums to foster inter sectoral collaboration
    • Coordinates the activities of the nutrition groups