According to the 1998 UNICEF conceptual framework, the immediate and underlying causes of malnutrition are affected by government systems and structures. Governance ensures that public goods and services are provided to citizens in a fair manner. human resource development.
In Zambia, the nutrition activities are governed around the National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC) Act of 1967, CAP 308 of the Laws of Zambia. It provides the directives on key actions for improving nutrition in the country. The Act is supported by various instruments such as the National Development Plan. In 2006, a National Food and Nutrition Policy was developed that highlights key policy measures to address malnutrition. It is supported by the National Food and Nutrition Strategic plan (NFNSP) 2011-2015 which operates through 11 strategic directions including the 1st 1000 MCDs programme which addresses the first strategic direction of the NFNSP.
Program Objective
The overall objective of the nutrition governance programme is to strengthen the coordination framework and modalities for a multi-sector approach both at policy and operational levels.
Program Activities
Zambia has put in place Food and Nutrition Multi-sectorial structures at national, provincial and district levels to address nutrition. There is in existence;
- Permanent Secretaries (PS) committee on nutrition to oversee ministerial food and nutrition interventions and ensure budget allocations to the nutrition sector.
- National Food and Nutrition Multi-sectorial committee comprising of senior officials to implement the decisions of the National Food and Nutrition Cabinet and PS committees and oversee work being implemented by various institutions.
- Provincial Nutrition Coordinating Committee, District Nutrition Coordinating Committee and Ward/Community Nutrition Coordinating Committee to coordinate implementation of nutrition interventions at their levels.
- Cooperating Partners, Private Sector, Academia/Research, Civil Society and Keyline ministries forums exist to coordinate nutrition intervention in their line of execution.
- Establish food and nutrition multi-sector steering committees at national level.
- Hold advocacy meetings to advance food and nutrition agenda at National, Provincial and District levels.
- Review appropriate legislative / legal framework that support implementation of food and nutrition programmes and advocate for higher placement of the NFNC to effectively execute its mandate and to lead a multi-sectorial response.
- Mainstream appropriate food and nutrition issues in relevant sector policies and strategies.
- Strengthen coordination mechanisms in key sector for the implementation of the NFNP and Strategic Plan at all levels.
- Increasing pre-service and in-service training opportunities for food and nutrition services provided at National, Provincial, District and Community levels.
- Establishing positions for food and nutrition officers and advisors and/or focal points in government ministries.
- Pre-service and in-service staff receiving food and nutrition training in key sectors at National, Provincial, District and Community level.
- Facilitate establishment of degree programmes in food and nutrition at institutions of higher learning like University of Zambia.
- Support capacity building for community based organisations in food and nutrition issues.
- Lobby Public Service Management Division for the establishment of position for food and nutrition officers in key ministries i.e. MCDMCH, MCTI, MOESVT, and MLGH
- Facilitate institutional capacity building in NFNC and key sector departments involved in food and Nutrition i.e. MCDMCH, MCTI, MOESVT, MOH, MAL and including academic and other relevant institutions.